Sector Statistics

Cargo Handled in Ports (Million Tons)
World Türkiye Share (%)
2012 9.959 387 3.9
2013 10.201 385 3.8
2014 10.560 383 3.6
2015 10.788 416 3.9
2016 11.117 430 3.9
2017 11.571 471 4.1
2018 11.889 460 3.9
2019 11.949 484 4.1
2020 11.538 497 4.3
2021 11.951 526 4.4
2022 11.983 542 4.5
2023 (Estimated) 12.269 521 4.2
Containers Handled in Ports (Million TEU)
World Türkiye Share (%)
2012 630.1 7.3 1.2
2013 661.4 8.0 1.2
2014 694.2 8.4 1.2
2015 705.6 8,2 1.2
2016 716.4 8.9 1.2
2017 771.7 10.2 1.3
2018 810,1 11.1 1.4
2019 825.3 11.6 1.4
2020 815.6 11.7 1.4
2021 868.6 12.5 1.4
2022 862.4 12.2 1.4
2023 866.1 12.7 1.4
Regional Distribution of Cargo Handled in Turkish Ports (Ton)
Marmara Mediterrenian Aegean Black Sea Total
2012 165.808.652 128.262.908 58.680.870 34.673.802 387.426.232
2013 163.739.271 127.599.853 57.294.558 36.297.076 384.930.758
2014 159.856.938 128.568.843 59.565.203 35.129.635 383.120.619
2015 160.810.595 153.070.251 65.478.727 36.677.122 416.036.695
2016 166.553.197 158.551.034 67.819.303 37.277.628 430.201.162
2017 184.699.191 169.902.567 74.098.504 42.473.634 471.173.896
2018 185.186.598 160.652.426 72.281.772 42.032.764 460.153.560
2019 184.661.739 174.723.830 83.923.544 40.859.299 484.168.412
2020 191.203.199 175.560.233 85.889.153 43.990.066 496.642.651
2021 207.554.085 181.889.799 93.257.920 43.604.980 526.306.784
2022 211.707.897 186.452.430 99.793.264 44.656.692 542.610.283
2023 210.169.062 169.462.853 97.326.421 44.094.468 521.079.804
Customs Regime Distribution of Cargo Handled in Turkish Ports (Ton)
Export Import Cabotage Transit Total
2012 91.307.486 192.474.928 46.919.387 56.724.431 387.426.232
2013 89.553.990 187.781.615 53.937.938 53.657.215 384.930.758
2014 88.544.792 194.771.428 50.731.578 49.072.821 383.120.619
2015 92.152.622 208.326.308 52.472.668 63.085.097 416.036.695
2016 94.805.120 215.132.519 53.300.216 66.963.307 430.201.162
2017 113.692.068 233.656.024 60.396.079 63.429.725 471.173.896
2018 110.424.635 218.544.820 59.555.845 71.628.260 460.153.560
2019 131.676.578 221.404.812 56.112.724 74.974.298 484.168.412
2020 138.902.823 226.539.472 58.797.384 72.402.972 496.642.651
2021 153.763.658 232.633.060 61.901.122 78.008944 526.306.784
2022 150.172.902 243.917.119 67.501.276 81.018.986 542.610.283
2023 135.510.681 256.206.627 62.627.093 66.735.403 521.079.804
Regional Distribution of Containers Handled in Turkish Ports (TEU)
Marmara Mediterrenian Aegean Black Sea Total
2012 4.510.561 1.513.431 1.109.372 59.034 7.192.398
2013 4.963.615 1.731.399 1.149.618 55.305 7.899.937
2014 5.210.325 1.858.236 1.215.273 67.289 8.351.123
2015 5.007.726 1.834.986 1.230.025 73.663 8.146.400
2016 5.419.372 1.953.696 1.322.746 66.160 8.761.976
2017 6.299.111 2.201.827 1.432.255 77.346 10.010.540
2018 6.843.524 2.365.581 1.555.613 79.282 10.844.000
2019 7.159.361 2.685.110 1.674.159 73.209 11.591.839
2020 7.034.053 2.768.691 1.711.906 112.000 11.626.651
2021 7.670.831 2.902.350 1.905.742 112.545 12.591.469
2022 7.414.283 2.788.227 1.894.085 118.673 12.215.269
2023 8.048.454 2.695.136 1.883.136 141.126 12.767.934
Distribution of Cargo Types Handled in Turkish Ports (Ton)
Dry Bulk General Cargo Liquid Bulk Container Vehicle Total
2012 107.119.426 60.168.663 132.700.887 79.310.916 8.036.768 387.426.232
2013 103.655.819 66.093.252 122.560.729 84.656.192 7.964.766 384.930.758
2014 108.744.680 61.183.191 116.934.088 88.138.345 8.120.313 383.120.619
2015 110.701.538 63.505.731 146.554.192 87.025.857 8.249.377 416.036.695
2016 116.516.338 65.564.619 145.024.367 94.928.597 8.167.241 430.201.162
2017 128.842.715 72.147.186 152.897.347 107.917.908 9.368.740 471.173.896
2018 133.653.221 63.977.765 139.717.069 114.231.465 8.574.040 460.153.560
2019 150.344.563 52.672.991 155.253.914 118.768.010 7.128.934 484.168.412
2020 164.479.123 54.627.400 146.652.396 121.710.948 9.172.785 496.642.651
2021 170.629.055 61.462.127 150.531.376 131.859.620 11.824.606 526.306.784
2022 165.295.741 64.567.384 171.201.149 130.244.809 11.301.200 542.610.283
2023 153.714.732 54.864.485 167.788.070 133.467.400 11.245.117 521.079.804
Customs Regime Distribution of Containers Handled in Turkish Ports (TEU)
Import Export Cabotage Transit Total
2012 2.879.123 2.942.562 472.345 898.368 7.192.398
2013 3.165.656 3.199.970 544.496 989.815 7.899.937
2014 3.488.008 3.581.811 527.066 754.238 8.351.123
2015 3.394.508 3.454.346 606.065 691.481 8.146.400
2016 3.543.805 3.607.087 738.311 872.772 8.761.976
2017 3.866.876 3.975.207 935.520 1.232.936 10.010.540
2018 4.160.125 4.259.030 935.661 1.489.184 10.844.000
2019 4.594.648 4.540.202 753.268 1.703.721 11.591.839
2020 4.618.226 4.480.472 731.352 1.796.601 11.626.651
2021 4.677.413 4.744.226 831.986 2.337.843 12.591.469
2022 4.386.890 4.337.176 341.544 3.149.659 12.215.269
2023 4.830.826 4.910.525 759.611 2.266.972 12.767.934
Top 10 Port Authority in Turkey (Ton)
Aliağa Kocaeli İskenderun Ceyhan Tekirdağ Mersin Ambarlı Gemlik Samsun Karabiga
2012 43.167.047 61.458.478 28.719.919 61.225.832 19.758.745 30.746.922 39.544.364 13.712.317 8.910.426 8.908.287
2013 40.014.873 61.088.671 31.242.252 56.085.928 16.124.897 32.325.970 40.797.116 12.465.179 9.552.213 9.955.720
2014 42.365.293 58.974.258 32.060.038 57.020.138 12.529.022 32.224.729 41.456.750 12.628.009 9.358.634 10.436.953
2015 48.794.379 64.628.031 36.134.784 78.093.461 14.979.216 31.996.360 36.177.123 12.747.057 9.776.562 9.172.815
2016 50.540.449 66.406.649 40.188.126 78.453.904 20.788.187 31.683.808 33.004.197 13.272.808 10.003.832 11.076.946
2017 55.635.041 73.234.029 55.521.237 70.916.515 24.253.367 33.846.812 36.353.157 14.496.108 12.325.083 13.176.830
2018 53.985.243 73.139.021 57.715.999 60.730.436 25.816.303 33.040.533 35.168.246 14.296.862 11.847.538 14.871.125
2019 65.799.062 72.196.415 62.167.713 66.945.044 29.933.977 36.373.703 34.649.484 13.908.352 11.150.996 12.969.988
2020 68.946.001 76.517.625 60.969.236 66.843.001 32.256.310 37.752.433 31.895.334 14.291.871 12.995.840 13.929.610
2021 73.889.877 81.335.143 67.811.510 63.214963 38.794.803 39.741.689 31.977.337 15.981.389 13.177.075 13.930.709
2022 81.056.935 82.799.204 67.635.537 68.227.434 44.172.813 38.896.567 30.732.465 15.393.111 13.584.153 13.691.307
2023 81.355.615 81.291.544 63.746.070 52.068.253 45.075.103 42.715.257 32.597.749 14.558.917 14.176.568 12.514.917
Top 10 Port Authority (TEU) Handling the Most Containers in Turkey
Ambarlı Kocaeli Mersin Tekirdağ Aliağa Gemlik İskenderun İzmir Samsun Antalya
2012 3.023.960 630.153 1.250.873 1.627 413.573 686.245 83.207 695.799 27.303 179.351
2013 3.318.129 807.756 1.367.134 1.602 466.010 669.305 148.017 683.608 33.362 216.221
2014 3.444.926 899.104 1.483.945 784 536.517 708.365 185.359 678.756 48.443 188.932
2015 3.061.501 988.906 1.428.300 129.259 580.251 685.605 228.297 649.567 54.987 178.389
2016 2.780.168 1.143.007 1.406.400 680.270 641.844 693.163 375.033 679.905 52.106 172.064
2017 3.122.504 1.315.991 1.553.841 936.481 794.342 799.122 448.082 637.902 65.927 199.892
2018 3.169.535 1.597.621 1.662.361 1.084.196 944.705 854.698 512.299 610.908 69.235 190.840
2019 3.104.883 1.715.194 1.854.312 1.413.961 1.132.480 861.657 680.120 541.679 67.426 150.678
2020 2.887.807 1.800.642 1.948.695 1.444.035 1.275.520 843.119 710.587 436.385 106.281 109.408
2021 2.942.549 1.967.945 2.106.936 1.812.024 1.389.367 911.611 678.459 516.375 100.881 116.954
2022 2.867.215 1.989.584 2.059.310 1.773.227 1.493.840 888.849 659.335 390.274 106.636 92.880
2023 3.314.919 2.180.232 1.949.882 1.719.426 1.588.162 816.616 660.813 294.947 124.913 84.532

The data were collected from Clarkson, UNCTAD, General Directorate of Maritime Affairs and TÜRKLİM.